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In this module students are introduced to Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), and how this framework can be used to build state of the art applications.
XAML is the UI-language for developers using the Microsoft developer stack. This module teaches students how to use the XAML language for building desktop applications with WPF.
XAML can be extended for your own custom purposes. In this case you need to understand following topics.
In a perfect world, any developer is a great designer. Unfortunately this is not the case. XAML allows for a clean separation between designing and developing.
This module gives you an overview of what kinds of controls are available and how to compose them together.
Display hardware becomes more and more diverse: big screens, small screens, high and low resolutions, adaptable font size. This does require some special up-front design. In this module students will learn how to build applications that run with all kinds of resolutions and fonts.
Developers have always used custom built controls to reuse some of their work. WPF has reuse built in, so in this module students will learn how to reuse objects for their applications.
End users should easily see when an element on your UI is interactive, or when a new element has been added to your window. These things can easily be accomplished by WPF Animations, which greatly improves the user experience. In this module students will learn how provide feedback to the user using animations.
Professionally built web sites use cascading style sheets (css) to quickly change the look and feel of the site. WPF takes this to the next level with styles and templates. In this module students will learn how to quickly customize their whole application with styles and templates.
With .NET also comes a Entity Framework Core. A modern, fast Object-Relational Mapper, which can run cross-platform, on Windows, Mac and Linux.
Once the data is retrieved, we need to display it to the user and allow changes to be validation and captured efficiently. In this module students will learn how to use data binding to accomplish this.
User input needs to be validated. Are all required properties provided? Do the values match the format? WPF offers several options for validation that are explored in the following chapter.
When customizing an interactive element for your UI, you need to specify the look and feel in all circumstances. The Visual State Manager is a mediator that allows changing styles and templates based on certain conditions. In this module students will learn how set up and use the Visual State Manager.
MVVM is a version of the MVC pattern designed specifically for WPF, which heavily relies on Data Binding. It allows to completely decouple the UI from the business logic, making your code easier to test and maintain.
"If this then that", that's what behaviors are all about. It allows you to set up new functionality for an existing control in a declarative and reusable way.
When writing code, you have to make sure you are not introducing unnecessary dependencies on other objects. Dependencies will just cost you on the long run since they are harder to maintain, not easily testable, exchangeable, ... . If you need to depend on another, then depend on the interface. Interfaces describe the dependency, but do not force it. Now, you don't want those dependencies to be filled hard coded and this is where dependency injection (DI) can help you. Dependency injection can help you at runtime dynamically deciding which implementations to plug into the dependencies.
This part will show students how to create and consume web services with Web API.
This module will show students how to deploy their WPF application
This course will teach you how to build business applications with Windows Presentation Foundation on top of .NET. You will learn to create functional and attractive user interfaces using XAML. Since most business applications are data-driven, you will learn how to handle data using Entity Framework Core and how to consume data from web services. Furthermore, you'll get acquainted with the MVVM pattern, making your code easier to maintain and test.
Participants of this course need to have a good understanding of the .NET platform and have a good knowledge of C#.